
Our Vision

We believe every child deserves a safe, loving home.
A place where they can dream, learn and grow into everything God has planned for them.

Arise Childcare Initiative tirelessly seeks to ensure that each of these children have a roof over their head and to provide education, love, hope and a good future to the orphaned and abandoned children in Uganda.

A new home

In the years before 2020 we lived in difficult conditions in an old and too small house.

So it was our wish to give these children a new home with dormitories for boys and girls, a prayer room, study room, a dining and an office for the orphanage. This should also include toilets for boys and girls, a well-constructed kitchen, good ventilation, and furnished rooms.

Then, in August 2018, through God’s generous, faithful and kind help, we were able to buy one acre of land and start building a new house.
This land is located some miles away from Kampala in Wakiso district, Kasanje sub county. The village is called Bubebere.

In just 1 1/2 years the first building with four rooms was completed and the construction of another building with six rooms began.
So we were able to move from Buziga to Bubebere with some children at the end of January 2020.
The second building was completed a year later in February 2021.

A well was also dug and the necessary pump and water tank for water supply installed.
A pit latrine, toilets and showers could also be completed.
At the end of 2020 we were also connected to the electricity grid.

This home is meant to provide the children a safe environment, education, care and love.
We will ensure a healthy and well-being of each child.

In order to give the children access to education, we were initially able to hire 4 teachers who taught our children in pre-school and secondary school.
In the meantime we were able to build additional buildings, so that we now have 10 classrooms available. More teachers have been hired and together with our own children and the children from the surrounding area there are now over 120 students in eight different grades at the school.

We are still looking for supporters to finance this new home for the children. God can use you to change the world of the needy children.
Prayerfully consider what you can do to get involved.

We would like to thank all our friends who have tirelessly helped us. The journey is not easy, but we believe that we shall keep moving on. Thank you for your continuous support which we always gratefully appreciate.
We are calling upon all dear friends, let’s do this together! And we believe that God will bless us all.