
Our mission

It is estimated that there are 2-3 million orphans in Uganda. Many of the children in Uganda are orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS. Civil conflicts is the other factor that has left many children orphans. The Lord’s Resistance Army war in northern Uganda and other rebels like the Allied Democratic Forces that resulted into death of many people are at the forefront.
Uganda is still a developing country and it's welfare system is not capable to deal with the distress of this huge number of orphaned and abandoned children.

Arise Childcare Initiative exists to provide care to the orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children in Uganda. We seek to provide education, love and hope to the orphans.
Most of these children never received education, they were never loved and they never had hope.
At moment we support over 40 children and we want to make sure that all their needs are met and each child is able to receive an education.
We love and care for these children under our care and we believe that when we do we are following the commandments of Jesus Christ of acting as his hands and feet. We believe that all believers and followers of Jesus Christ are called to have a heart of compassion.

We must restore hope to young people, help them, open their future, spread love.

About us

It started 11 years ago when one of Maama's sons died and left with us five children. But Maama couldn't take care of the children by herself. Lydia grew up with Maama and was so attached to her that she could not bear to see her alone in her struggle with the children. So she decided to help her mother with the children.
Over the years we took other children into our care. Some of them were abandoned, others lost their parents and had no one to take care of them.

As the number of children continued to grow, we were inspired to establish an official orphanage. Finally, on December 8, 2017, "Arise Childcare Initiative Limited" was incorporated as an association. On September 19, 2018 we were registered as an NGO and received official permission from the government to run the orphanage.

Through God's generous, faithful and kind help, in August 2018 we were able to buy one hectare of land and start building a new home. The first part of our new home was completed in early 2020, so we were able to move with some children at the end of January 2020.(...)

It takes a village to raise a child (African saying)


We believe every child deserves a safe, loving home.
A place where they can dream, learn and grow into everything God has planned for them.

Arise Childcare Initiative tirelessly seeks to ensure that each of these children have a roof over their head and to provide education, love, hope and a good future to the orphaned and abandoned children in Uganda.

In the years before 2020 we lived in difficult conditions in an old and too small house.

So it was our wish to give these children a new home with dormitories for boys and girls, a prayer room, study room, a dining and an office for the orphanage. This should also include toilets for boys and girls, a well-constructed kitchen, good ventilation, and furnished rooms.

Then, in August 2018, through God’s generous, faithful and kind help, we were able to buy one acre of land and start building a new house.

The first part of the new house was completed in early 2020, so we were able to move with some children at the end of February 2020.

This home is meant to provide the children a safe environment, education, care and love.
We will ensure a healthy and well being of each child.

We would like to thank all our friends who have tirelessly helped us. The journey is not easy, but we believe that we shall keep moving on. Thank you for your continuous support which we always gratefully appreciate.

A child without education is like a bird without wings

Our school

We teach the children from pre-school up to and including primary school. Meanwhile we have 10 classrooms available for this. The children are taught by several teachers who we were able to hire and who also live with us.
We are happy to see that our work is bearing good fruit and is acknowledged by the neighborhood as many children from the wider area are attending our school, so that a total of 120 students in eight different grades are currently attending the school.

We are very grateful for the support of the Hubert & Renate Schwarz Foundation, which is significantly involved in the development of the school.

A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every person can leave a mark.

Our Kids

At the moment we have more than 40 children living with us under our care. Many of them are orphans or abandoned, having no relatives that are able to care for them. Furthermore we take care of children from the neighbourhood in our daycare.

This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

Thoughts and more...

the heavy burden of poverty

the heavy burden of poverty Our vision is to let these young children who are growing up in poverty stricken conditions to know that they have a hope to break the circle of poverty.

Educate a nation

Educate a nation "if we educate a boy, we educate one person, but if we educate a girl, we educate a family and a whole nation" (Afrikan proverb)

Lydia Mirembe is raising 25 orphans according to God's Word and is believing God for a building adequate to house these children that have been placed in her care. She has been able to purchase the land thus far. God is blessing her and the children.
Yes, God does supply all our needs but don't forget that "God works through His people".

Leona Brown

Support us

A testimony of God's goodness and grace:
fLTR: Barrack, Gift, John, Jesse and Grace, 2018 and 2022


Arise Childcare Initiative solely is being financed by donations. Without any deductions for administration or similar things all donations are forwarded to the program directly for the Childrens benefit.

With all it‘s members, helpers and servants Arise Childcare Initiative is a testimony of what God and faith can do positive and good in the life of individuals and their community.

Arise childcare initiative provides a safe place where the most vulnerable children are able to receive an education and are able to study and learn.
Many children in Uganda are stuck in the conditions of poverty they are born in and they are not getting the opportunity to reach their full potential. A quality education is unaffordable and out of reach for them, locking these children in a cycle of poverty and robbing them of their future.
Access to education is every child’s right and very essential in breaking this cycle of poverty.
We know that we can not change the world of the children living in poverty in Uganda at once, but we can do something for one child at a time.
When the children have access to education, they are empowered with the knowledge, skills and opportunities needed to thrive and create a better world.
We can empower children to be change makers in their communities through education.

You can change the course of a child’s life when you provide this child with the precious gift of a quality education and the opportunity to have a better future. If you would like to make a difference in a child’s life by giving them a gift of education, then we would love you to become a child sponsor with us. Your support helps and will help a child to receive an education, nutritious food, basic health care and more to help us break the cycle of poverty.

Put your love into action and sponsor a child today!
We can not do this without you!

"If you are looking for something worthwhile to support or be a part of, this is it! Lydia Mirembe is currently raising & supporting 26 orphan children in Zimbala, Uganda. This is a new project to build an adequate place for them to live and grow. These children are being taught about Jesus Christ, responsibility & respect, the English language and attend church on Sunday. Two more are already in the primary school (boarding) for further education. So much is being done according to God's Word and it is so rewarding! Please look at the arise childcare Initiative site and give accordingly as the Holy Spirit speaks to you. These children need your help! God Bless You!"
(Leona Brown, Nov. 2018)

How You can send us Your support:

Mobile Money

Mobile Money is the fastest way to transfer money and is reliable. It is an electronic wallet service that allows you to send money to a mobile phone. The fees are quite low.
If You want to use the service You will need to create an (free) account at a mobile money service provider like WorldRemit or MoneyGram
The money will be transferred via Mobile Money Transfer to MTN mobile money account
Recipient: Lydia Mirembe
Address Line1: Buziga
Town: Kampala
Mobile phone: (+256) 776049149

(The phone number is also the MTN ID, if requested)


In Uganda it is still not possible to transfer money to a bank account via paypal.
Meanwhile paypal added a new service called "xoom". With that service it is possible to send money to our mobile wallet. If You want to use the service You can use Your existing paypal account or create a new Xoom account.
Choose "Mobile wallet" as receiving option. In the next step choose "Airtel" as the mobile wallet provider. Next enter our mobile number: +256 753049149. Usually it takes only a few minutes until we will receive Your donation.

As another option Uli Lautenschlager & Joseph West have created a paypal-account so that You may send Your donations via paypal.

European Union

If You are living in the EU You may donate to Child Care Initiative e.V.
Child Care Initiative e.V is a registred welfare organisation in Germany and the members have been faithful supporters of us for a very long time.
To keep the fees low they are usually funding money to at least €1000,- as the transaction fee is always €38,- regardless of the amount.
Therefore it may take some time till the target is reached.
Please use the following details for the transaction:
ChildCare.Initiative e.V.
IBAN : DE54763510400020651261

Bank details

If You prefer to transfer money directly to our bank account, please use this information:

Arise Childcare Initiative
Account Number: 3100095519
Bank address: Kabalagala

Our sponsors and partners

Anne Klinge from Child Care Initiative e.V
visiting with her family

Child Care Initiative e.V. is a registred welfare organisation in Germany. The members have been faithful supporters of us from the very beginning. Besides different relief actions they also try to get support from other organizations for us. For example, they were able to win over “Engineers Without Borders” for a photovoltaic project.

Ingenieure ohne Grenzen (“Engineers Without Borders”)
Engineers Without Borders is a non-profit, recognized private aid organization in Germany. In collaboration with Engineers Without Borders East Africa (EWB EA) they supported us with a project to build a photovoltaic system. This enables the school center to be independently supplied with electricity through the implementation of a corresponding storage system.

Wasser ohne Grenzen ("Water without Borders")
Wasser ohne Grenzen ("Water without Borders") is a non-profit, recognized private aid organization in Germany. In collaboration with the Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken (North-South Bridges Foundation), they supported us in building a new well, as the existing well can no longer meet the increased water demand. They also enabled us to build additional dry separation toilets to meet the hygienic requirements of our growing number of students.

The Hubert & Renate Schwarz Foundation is significantly involved in the development of the school.

Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them


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Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries!

(Due to the high volume of SPAM-mails, we've decided to disable the contact-form for a while...)